Tuesday 20 December 2011

And that is all

First day
Last day

Today, I'm packing Lil-lil's preschool lunchbox and bag for the last time. It feels like the blink of an eye since I wrote this post about her first day of preschool, now it's all over.

Big school awaits next year. It's been a fabulous year, albeit a little too quick.

At the first day shed a few tears, one kid thought Skip was the prime minister. Now Goosey's at preschool herself, D arrived and Lil-lil is so much more grown up. I'll probably shed a couple more tears today.

An on we go!


  1. It goes by too quick doesn't it?


  2. It really does seem that time flies. I hope that Lil-lil enjoys her last day of preschool.

    I cried at Boy Child's Year 6 gradudation assembly last year. I find the reaching of those milestones are just so emotional. I hope I'm not the only one.

  3. What a big year for you all.
    Congratulations on so many achievements together - and some well earned family downtime now (if that exists with 3 little ones?!!!).
    :-) x

  4. Am in same boat here , and yet to do blog post about it. Amazing how quickly the time goes and how much they change!

    Big school will be the start of a whole new era, and we have start of preschool next year for Miss Z! On and on it goes!

  5. awwww... so cute AND so grown up! I cant believe it either... I hope she has a brilliant last day! And you too my lovely xxx

  6. Well time always does it's racing.Your kids are adorable!Watching them growing would be like reliving your own childhood,isn't ?
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  7. Yes this year has flown by way too fast and I can't imagine how much quicker it must have gone for you Corinne. I remember reading your post about Lil-lil's 1st day of preschool, she has done so well and no doubt will only flourish in leaps and bounds at big school next year :o) xo


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