About Me

My name is Corinne. Most of my family and friends call me Rin. I also get called Mummy, Mama, Spin, Rinny, Bubba and Chook. 

I'm a 40-year-old mum, wife, daughter, friend and sister. Before becoming a mum I worked in magazines as a writer and sub-editor, a career that chose me rather than the other way round. Now I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do when I grow up.

I have two gorgeous daughters and a beautiful son. I have often been asked how they turned out so beautiful. I also have a gorgeous husband, who on this blog I call Skip. We've been married for 12 years, but we've been together for 19 years. We've grown from 21-year-old party people to 30-something year-old parents together.

About four years ago, my family and I moved from Sydney, Australia to Dubai, UAE. We spent a great few years in the middle east, making Dubai our home. A lot of my blog is about my experience living there as an expat, the experiences I was afforded and how my kids grew up there. Very recently, we moved back to Australia, but we're now living Brisbane. Becoming Queenslanders is a brand-new experience for me and the kids, although Skip spent time growing up here as a kid. 

I love spending early mornings at the beach splashing with my girls. I love travelling and seeing new places and meeting new people. I love good food and eating out. I love good wine, too. Skip and I love going to the races, although we haven't been as much lately. I love catching up with my friends and laughing until my cheeks hurt. I love curling up with a good book or a good movie on the box, with a block of choccy by my side. 

I started this blog as a way of getting in the habit of writing again, but it's turned into so much more than that. 

And so is the daze of my life....
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