Wednesday 28 December 2011

My favourite week of the year

The week between Christmas and New Year is my favourite week of the year.

We're always on holidays, the rush of December is over, the fridge is full of food. We potter, go to the beach, catch up with people we love, chill out, go to the park. Nothing is ever rushed. Nothing is ever too planned. It's always fun. Most people are on holidays so there's that relaxed feel in the air.

This year we've got a special little boy to get to know a little bit better. He's developed a smile that lights up the room, so he usually has four people around him doing anything to get him to flash it.

Plans for the rest of week? More relaxing, trying to read, playing in the backyard, the beach,  trips for takeaway coffees, a day at the track, reflecting on the past year and dreaming about the year ahead.

What are you doing?


  1. It is a nice time of year. Think we work too hard, stress too much rest of the year...

  2. Oh Corinne, relating to this post, relating indeed. I posted similarly tonight about this time of year. It's really a gift isn't it!? Everything you're doing sounds ideal to me, especially the beach going and relaxing. Bring. it. We're doing much of the same.
    P.S. And YAY for a trip to the track, good to see :o) xo

  3. I am finding that this is my favourite week as well. The kids and I have been doing what we want to do, when we want to do it, rather than following a list or a schedule. Now if I could just get them to sleep in --all three get up at 5:30 every morning--eek !!


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