Monday 18 July 2011

Routine, misssing husbands and puffy paint

School holidays are over, back to the routine. Lil-lil is bursting at the seams to get back. Goosey is cranky and saying she's not allowed to go, the bottom lip has been out all morning. Goose is really going to miss her as they've had a great time the past two weeks – they've invented more games than I can remember. They even created a little boy called Lowen, he was from Russia and his parents were killed by witch. He could fix anything except cars. He stayed with us for most of Saturday. Strangely enough, even though he was from Russia, he couldn't speak Russian.

We waved Skip off early this morning as he headed to the airport, to go to Melbourne until Friday evening. It will be a girly week of easy dinners and taking control of the remote. Though we do have a lot to take our mind off Skip's absence, such as a certain 3rd birthday to prepare for. I can't believe my little one will be 3 ! There is a cake to plan, presents to buy and sausage rolls to make.

I wanted to share something my girls LOVED doing over the holidays. I completely stole this idea from i-mumma. I'm so not a craft mum. My idea of doing craft is throwing some paper and crayons at them and hoping they don't draw on the walls. But this is super easy and super fun.

Puffy paint

  • 1 tablespoon self-raising flour
  • a few drops of food colouring
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Combine the above together with a little water to make a smooth paste and paint away on pieces of cardboard. When the artworks are finished pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds until they magically 'puff' up and dry.

The girls had a ball doing this and created some birthday cards for their little mate's 4th birthday.

Have a good Monday!


  1. Glad your girls loved it Use to do Puff Painting with my oldest daughter when she was younger.

    Nothing like a girly week together

    (((( Hugs )))) XXXX Kisses XXXX

  2. So sweet the had such a nice time together. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead without Skip. Enjoy the remote!! xx

  3. Three??!! Arghh! where has the time gone? Thank you for the puffy paint idea. I might just try it tomorrow morning with Bella. Shelt has the day off work. I can't do any craft atm without another person to haul the crazy, paint/glue/glitter eating destructo baby off said craft activity!
    How gorgeous is Goosey by the way :) xxxxx

  4. Oh snap! Daisy isn't back to school until Wed so I am DESPERATE for something to keep them occupied. THANK YOU!

    Hope the week of solo parenting goes well and all kids are healthy. Will be thinking of you x

  5. What a brilliant idea! just did the puff paint with my kiddies and they loved it! thank you for sharing!! x

  6. What a great crafty idea... bugger that I don't own a microwave :o/ otherwise I'd be trying this one out. I'm always looking for easy peasy craft ideas.
    Oh good luck with your girl's week, it does sound like fun, but I know it would be tiring for you at this stage, so please try to reserve some downtime for yourself in there also xo

  7. That looks like a great idea.

    I hope to try that with my grandchildren!!

    Enjoy your busy week with your girls :)


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