Friday 14 October 2011

Secret Mother's Business

Friday is ballet day, the day where I drive far too far for Lil-lil to do her class. She loves it and one of my good friends also takes her daughter so I persist.

The five mums are stuck outside the class and we chat and gossip for the 45-minute duration. With two of the mums pregnant and one with a newbie (me), the topics tend to centre round pregnancy, birth and babies.

The conversation today went something like this:
"Why don't people tell you how crap and hard it is before you have kids."

"I don't know, why is that?"

"Because no-one would believe it."

Nods from all round. "Yeah, you're right. How can you explain it?"

"You can't."

"I'd really love another though. Like really."

"You can have one of mine."


  1. haha I'm sure I've had this conversation too! Love, love, love your photo!

  2. So very true.

    No one tells you how hard it is.

    But I am guilty of that very same thing.

    My best friend is {over}due for her first bub right now, & I've not yet had *that* conversation because I think you're only ready to hear it, & absorb it, when you get it ...

    Great post :)

  3. I had almost that exact conversation with a Gf the otherday! So true!

  4. Hee hee.
    The worst job you'll never want to quit!

  5. Oh I love the photo Corinne, your gorgeous trio :o)
    Yeah, there is absolutely no way of telling anyone how hard parenthood is. Part of it is not having enough hours in the day to explain it and part of it is not wanting to crush dreams and ruin the experience for them. Because as much as it's bloody hard, it's also bloody good too. I say that with my 2 sleeping soundly, of course ;o) xo


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