Tuesday 4 October 2011

Kids these days don't know what they're missing

The school holidays are upon us and I'm sure the kids of Sydney must be bored and it's no wonder, they're deprived of good old family fun. These fabulous family entertainment establishments no longer exist in Sydney.  Why not?? They were fantastic, plus they had the best ads. Ever. I dare you to get the Old Sydney Town jingle out of your head. I dare you.

Check 'em out:

My personal favourite:


  1. How wrong is that Water Works ad! And while my parents denied me El Caballo Blanco they did take me to Old Sydney Time - where mum got chosen out of the audience to be tried and put in stocks. I was BESIDE myself, yelling at the guards that "SHE'S MY MUM" and "LET HER GO"! Which everyone thought hilarious. Still damaged.

  2. WHY did they close wonderland?!

    I grew up in lapstone/glenbrook in the blue mountains & I used to LOVE wonderland!

    Proud product of the 80's right here :)

  3. Wonderland was the best! Oh I miss that place, even though it was the scene of some epic fights with my siblings. Definitely too much fun to have in one day. I remember pestering my parents to go to the Water Works at Mt Druitt but we never did. Looks like I missed out on some gold.

  4. The problem is, the lack of the jingo these days. I love me a jingo.

    You know what else? We are heading to the Coast with the Most next week and I plan on having "too much fun" at Dreamworld. Bring that shit ON.

    I LOVE these posts x

  5. What a trip back through time! El Cabailo Blanco was always my fav, but I think was was because I was a horse nut. Ex

  6. Ah YES Corinne! Brings back so many memories, scary but good ;o) Funny too, as I have posted tonight about my love of the 80's. I wonder if it's because we were kids then, that it all seems so cool now!? Because I'm looking at these ads and thinking, it definitely wasn't 'cool'!
    Oh I miss Wonderland and Old Sydney Town, feral places that they were ;o)
    I'm with you The African Lion Safari jingle is a keeper xo

  7. Julie - With the African Lion Safari ad, my brothers and I used to change the words to: "African Lion Safari, it's stupid and nobody goes."

  8. What a blast from the past. I'm still disappointed that I never got to go to El Cabailo Blanco. I always wanted to see the dancing horses. :(

  9. These are ALL brilliant.

    My husband went to the African Lion Safari. Imagine if it was open nowadays? And a bear attacked your car? Bawhahahahah

    Here's maybe why it closed - On August 7, 1995 several lionesses escaped from the park, terrorised the nearby townships of Warragamba & Silverdale and killed a dog. The lioness responsible for killing the dog was shot. As a result of the escape the park was required to upgrade facilities. A bear also escaped and was shot by residents.

    I'm pretty sure I went to El Cabailo Blanco, I remember those waterslides.

    I was never allowed to go to WaterWorks at Mt Druitt because "some kid" on my street said there was razorblades down the sides of the slides and as your slowed yourself down, you would slice open your hands. WHO STARTED THESE LIES? hhahahahah

    I went to Wonderland many times. A girl in my grade worked there and we all thought she was so "special and amazing" cause she operated the bumper cars or something. I think anyone who rode the Bush Beast required physio on their necks afterwards, WORST rollercoaster ever. The Demon and Space Probe were good though.

    Apparently there is a Wet n Wild Park opening at the old Wonderland site, but I'm not sure if it's been approved yet.

  10. many good memories of Australia wonderland.. why did they close it? it was such a great place to spend a day!!


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