Tuesday 17 August 2010

We interrupt this broadcast...

As I've written lately, I'm feeling a bit ho hum. A bit flat. The fire in the belly is just a puff of smoke. I'm struggling to get excited about anything much at the moment.

I've been trying to 'fake it to make it' with the blog recently, but I think it's really starting to show. It's a pretty dull day in my life.

So, last night I decided to take a conscious break from blogging. Step away from the keyboard and try and ignite the fire again. It may just be a day, it may be a week, it may be a month. I suspect I will be back sooner rather than later. In any case, I will be back.

You may wonder why I'm even writing this, why not just step away for a while? Well, for me I suspect, actually saying out loud "I'm taking a break" will be the trigger to get the creative juices flowing again. Writing when I feel inspired to, rather than out of habit or routine.

I'll still be lurking. Reading blogs, on twitter, on facebook.

I'll see you again real soon.


  1. Have a good rest and we'll see you soon!

  2. Good thinking, rest, rejuvenate and i'll see you really soon xx

  3. Oh no! Good idea though. Put down the blog and walk away Renee. Hope you don't mind being stalked through twitter and email?!

  4. Have a good rest and take all the time you need:-) (mind you) not toooooooo long ya hear!!

  5. have a break & hope you come back reinvigorated & full of fire in your belly.
    hope to see you back soon

  6. Sometimes a break is just what we need. Enjoy yours and see you when you get back.

  7. I think everyone goes through the blogging durges every now and then. Personally, I find the grey weather so uninspiring, it doesn't help! It'll come back, your blogging mojo, and probably when you least expect it to. Til your return, *mwah*!

  8. I've got the mehs lately too. And just when I'm having exciting things happen on the blog, I'm feeling a bit flat and loosing my momentum. Such a shame.
    I hope you get your groove back soon. I'll be here when you do :)

  9. take a good break....it happens to everyone and we will still be here when you get back. Hope to hear from you soon.

  10. Enjoy your break, hope you find away to re-light that fire! I am a new follower, your blog such a beautiful place to visit!


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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