Friday 27 August 2010

Nothing better

The past week or so, there has been very little sleep happening in this household, less than usual (which isn't a lot). Yesterday, I was walking around like a zombie. Numb. A shell.

My mum came over, took one look and suggested I tuck myself up in bed with Goosey (who was as tired as I, but never likes to miss out on a minute of the day) and have a nap while she entertained Lil-lil. I didn't hesitate and within minutes of snuggling under the doona we were both snoring away.

There is nothing more blissful than a siesta. It's pure luxury. The end.

It's something I didn't appreciate fully until I had kids and sleep became oh so precious.

A solid two hours later, we stretched that contented stretch,  slowly waking ready to tackle the afternoon. Feeling more human than I had in days.  I'm moving to a country where everyone takes an arvo nap. There is truly nothing better.


  1. Afternoon nap is great cause of my health I usually take an afternoon nap every afternoon if I can manage it sleeping for around 2 to 3 hours

  2. Ahh, the afternoon Nanna nap :) I was lucky enough to sneak a couple of hours yesterday afternoon whilst BuBba slept and it was bliss!

  3. agreed! I say spain! And im coming...x

  4. There is nothing better than a good nap.

  5. With all of the political manoeuvring going on at the moment, we may have some luck if we got in Bob Katter's ear and convinced him that Australia required the introduction of an afternoon siesta break...

  6. Urgh....hope the weekend brings some more sleep. Daisy looks EXHAUSTED at the moment - never a good look when EVERYONE tells you how tired your kid looks is it? NOT MY FAULT! Have a great weekend x

  7. Oh don't - I neeeeeeeeeeed sleep, but Matilda has other ideas. The girls have carefully orchestrated a cunning plan where they nap at different times of the day, so at any given moment one is awake and needing attention, so unfair, when I'm up half the night feeding.
    Please ask your mum if she would like a holiday in the UK at my place :) Hope you and the family are well. I swear I could literally feel that nap as you were taking it. xx

  8. That's what makes moms so amazing.
    They know just what we need.


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