Thursday 12 August 2010

Bloomin' lovely

My little blossoms adore flowers. We buy bunches each week to fill the house. The stop and smell any blooms they come across. Lil-lil is especially intrigued, which is quite apt given her floral first names, she always asks what each flower's name is.

I have a black thumb, so there's not too many things blooming in our garden. A few months ago, I decided to get the kids out in the dirt and plant some bulbs in a neglected garden bed. I didn't have much hope for them, but the girls loved planting and then watching as the green shoots slowly sprouted. Yesterday there was much excited as one lone daffodil showed its face.

A plant I haven't killed, please ignore the weeds!

Inspired by this horticultural brilliance, we ambled around our neighbourhood checking out what blooms we coulf find

Here's what we unearthed:

Our neighbour's magnificent magnolia.
Delightful daisies, that are picked by the girls daily

The girls' favourite, camelia.

We are currently trying to save our lone daffodil from being picked by Goosey. Let's hope we can save it until at least one more bud unfolds.


  1. I love that I am not the only black thumb! That magnolia is amazing Spring is coming

  2. I love magnolias in full bloom - so gorgeous!

    I don't even attempt to grow anything but herbs and cactus anymore and the state of my herbs currently is something to weep over lol


  3. brilliant rin!!! I love the colour, the spring feel and the loveley pics!!! Bring on the warm weather! xx

  4. Very pretty, and especially welcome on a cold and wet winter's day.

    I hope the daffodil makes it!


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