Sunday 1 July 2012

Blog slog

The blog has been a little slow of late, I'll be the first to admit it. I have been struggling to find time to blog and then when I've had time I haven't been motivated. Rather than bore the few people who read with something that even I don't find interesting I just haven't blogged as much.

I haven't been active in the 'blogosphere' lately and haven't really felt part of 'it' for a while. I haven't been excluded, more that I haven't included myself. That has made me realise how more effort is required to be a blogger. For the past few years, it hasn't felt like an effort, it's just felt like a natural way to spend my time. I was also startled how quickly you can drop out of it too. And that's fine, I haven't had the energy or the inclination and for me the number one important part of blogging was my enjoyment.

There have also been lovely bloggers who check in on email and Twitter (thanks Eleanor, Linda, Cherie and P23) and people who always read and leave lovely comments (thanks Julie, Shar and Nat).

There's also been some big stuff happening in life that I haven't been able to write about and so that has been made blogging feel less enjoyable for me. Blogging has always been getting my thoughts out onto the page and when you're consumed with something it's hard to find other topics to write about.

Annnnnnnnnyhoo, I've just kind of stepped away from it and that's been fine. Life has been busy enough without it.

Then yesterday, some friends said to me: "What's going on? I miss your blog."
I just sighed and said: "I just haven't felt like writing."
And they kept encouraging me to write. So I'm writing. It's nice to feel missed. It's nice to feel like someone enjoys coming to visit here. To be part of someone's daily ritual is a real privilege.

So, for you two girls (and myself), I'm getting inspired, because I really do love writing here.

In the next few weeks I hope to have a whole new look here, which is going to be a lot of fun!

Thanks, so much for reading. I really do appreciate it. xxx


  1. Hi Corinne, I don't often comment but I do always read your blog. I know exactly what you mean with this post… I've been there for quite a while now! I hope everything is OK and I'll just enjoy reading your posts when you get the chance :)

  2. Hi Corinne,
    I'm another reader that's guilty of seldom commenting on any of the great blogs that I enjoy reading every day but I thought I would mention that I do really enjoy reading your thoughts and I hope that you continue to share them with all of us in the future.

  3. You need to do this bloggy thing for you. When you want. When you feel it. You are a writer. Xx

    1. Thanks love. Appreciate it. I'm scared if I stop too long I won't come back.
      Nahhh, that'll never happen.

      PS - I promise I didn't write this post as a everyone-tell-me-you-love-me-or-i'll-quit-post. More of a write-about-the-block-so-I-get-over-the-block post.

  4. It's a-ok to have a 'blog slump'.
    Ride it out.
    It's hard to write when you feel a tad 'gagged' too.
    Very happy to be here.

  5. Hi Corinne. It happens to me too. Just write when you want to write and when you feel good about it. It shouldn't be a chore - there are enough chores in life!

  6. I'm still here, reading!

    It's ok to lose your mojo. As long as you find it again, all is good!


  7. It's tough when juggling everything else. Blogging for me is an outlet to share my kitchen experiences. Glad to have you back.

  8. Jump on the good ol "slow blogging movement" I say :) No pressure that way xx

  9. I don't really have any blogging mojo to speak of. My new blog has 4 posts in it. Four! How pissweak. But that's OK, I like knowing it's there if I need to write. And I am wary of boring people senseless with *more* preggo talk. I bore myself with it.

    I will keep reading ;) I'm excited about whatever you have around the corner too. Change is good. x

    Mrs P23. xx

  10. Some days I feel like writing stuff, but I worry it is too self indulgent, too much just for me and not for my readers. Or I find time to write, but not drop in on everyone else, poor blogging manners which makes me feel bad and guilty, so then I don't blog either. And then, something changes and all goes back to normal.

  11. You are a pleasure to read Corinne, no matter how frequently or infrequently you blog. As long as you blog for you, when it's right for you that's the most important thing and it comes through in your writing.
    Always make sure you look after you and your family first and the rest will come.

  12. I know what you mean :)

    My bloggy break wasn't supposed to be this long, & now I honestly don't know if I'll even find a mojo again.

    I guess you can only write when you want to write, but I have a feeling your new life is going to inspire you, & I'm certainly going to want to read all about it.

    Mostly, I just love your writing. You're a natural.

    And no ... this didn't scream of one of those emo, 'oh I'm going to stop, so please, everyone, tell me not to' posts ;)



Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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