Thursday 5 July 2012

Big news. Huge.

If you read here regularly you've probably guessed that there is something going on behind the scenes. It must have been my completely unsubtle murmurings.

There is in fact something big going on. Something exciting. Something life changing. Something blog changing.

Recently Skip was offered a new job, a big promotion. This new opportunity also meant that we would have to relocate. We couldn't say no.

So in approximately four weeks we are packing up our little family and moving.
Where? To the MIDDLE EAST! And I don't mean Bondi Junction.

We're moving to Dubai.

I know. I can't quite believe it myself.

The next few weeks are going to be a flurry of packing, goodbyes and trying to adjust to the fact we are moving to the MIDDLE EAST. The freakin' middle east.

I have no idea what we are in for, but I know it's going to be one of the biggest adventures of my life.

Stayed tuned!


  1. Yeah, I'd say that falls into the category of 'big'.

  2. Woah, wow!! That's incredible news! I can't wait to follow along with your adventure!

  3. Whoa! I had thought it was Europe for some reason! Good luck getting everything organised. X Aneets

  4. Wooohoooooo. Pack the sun cream and bikini for the pool.

    Ex pat blogger!

  5. Hey Corinne! That's great news! I thought there was something in your recent blog post (remember the one where i left the rambling comment about how we're moving to Dili… yeah that one!)

    We can compare expat notes. Have you been for a look see? When I lived in Ukraine, I knew a few people who had lived in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It can be really great for families. Anyway, good luck with the move and I hope the next four weeks aren't too stressful. We'll be expat bloggers together! Congrats to you and hubby. What a great thing for your family xx

  6. That IS huge - and fantastic.
    Exciting times ahead.
    :-) xx

  7. Holy crapola! Corinne that is gobsmacking news. And so sad :( I won't get to meet you now, the middle east is a bigger step than Bondi for me, haha! But WOW, that must be so exciting and such a fab opportunity for Skip. Good on him and hats off to you for supporting the move. You're a good woman.
    I know I've been a bit off the planet this week, but how I missed that post about you moving across the world, I'll never know. Big times ahead, can't wait to read about it all xoxo

  8. Oh hang on, jumping in the deep end post... NOW I get it ;)

  9. OMG! I can't believe it! That is indeed huge! HOw exciting/scary/wow! I'm bummed I won't see you on my next visit down under, but otherwise I'm very happy for your and your family. Congratulations! xo

  10. WOW!!! What an AMAZING opportunity - ill be so excited to keep reading about this next chapter. Best of luck!!

  11. oh my! HUGE is an understatement! wow, that is so so exciting for you all, how wonderful the kids will get to spend part of their childhood growing up in another country. congratulations! x

  12. wow, huge. no wonder you have been feeling a bit upside down.
    fantastic news though, I hope you all love the adventure x

  13. Huge .. How exciting for all. Look fwd to reading yr adventures. Good luck with everything

  14. Wowee!!!! Congrats to Skip on the new job & congrats to you for taking the plunge & taking on such a big adventure with 3 kids in tow! Good luck with the packing & I look forward to following your blog & your new life. xx

  15. I am so excited for you all, this adventure is just what your family needs. What fun! I will try not to be too jealous of your staff tending your every need. So happy for you xx

  16. That's so exciting. What a great opportunity. Hope you enjoy it!

  17. Oh my. That is massive! Good luck, and please, keep blogging! I'll be fascinated to read of your adjustment and life changes!

  18. This is amazing news Corinne, what a fabulous opportunity for you and your family. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. Hope you keep blogging, and show us what life is like over there!

  19. Just ... MASSIVE!

    Congrats Skip!

    That is just huge. And life changing. And brilliant :)

    Don't stop blogging, please! x


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