Saturday 4 February 2012

A stroke in time

I'm linking up with Eden's Fresh Horses meme today. If you haven't read Eden's blog, your missing out. In the words of Molly Meldrum, do yourself a favour and visit her blog.

I love that handwriting is timeless. When I was younger I used to love seeing my mum's handwriting scrawled in an old book or on the back of a photo. It was exactly the same as it was in the present and that amazed me, like all of life's happenings has no impact upon it.

Recently, my brother dropped in and saw a to-do list on my kitchen bench. He gasped and said "wow, that takes me back, your handwriting is still the same and you still do the same star points."

It's wonderful how handwriting can make something as mundane as a shopping list personal, creative and evoke an emotional response.


  1. In the same way as a song or scent can bring back memories, so to can some lovely writing. I recently found my late mothers hand written recipes and their so much more special than if they were typed. I know time went into her scratching every ingredient onto those recipe cards.

  2. That's so cool. My sister's hand writing is like print type writer perfection, i always wished i had lovely penmenship. I did 6 years of Uni, note taking ruined my hand writing, it's so awful now, i wish it was rounded & kind of fashionable, alas, no.
    I like your writing, it's cool & yes, how my brothers & parents write takes me back to childhood too, love Posie

  3. Oh - the writing on the backs of photos takes me back.
    That's it- I'm off to scrawl on some pics.
    ;-) x

  4. Snap on the stars! Goddamn I need to start writing to-do lists, no wonder I'm always so fucking unorganised.

    Was that the brother that likes Chickadees? I still look for them for you, you know. XX

  5. My handwriting changes all the time. My mum's has never varied- I like that about hers. In primary school she sometimes sent notes in my lunch, which made me feel very special :)

    1. I've started putting notes in my girl's lunchbox, she loves it.

  6. Yes, handwriting does evoke an emotional response, doesn't it? That's WHY it's so important! Love your stars. :)

  7. Love your writing! Think its also why I do so many too-do lists - the actual art of hand writing is still something I adore to do :)

  8. Those little scribbles of people that we cherish... I have a page from a small religious monthly magazine that my grandmother sent to me back in 2000. I've kept it on my refrigerator ever since then, not just because of the message, but because in her handwriting on the top corner is a note to herself for a haircut at 9am in El Reno. Nothing fancy, but seeing it makes me smile. She passed in April 2001, just two months after turning 90 years old.

  9. That's gorgeous handwriting! Maybe if my shopping list looked so pretty I would actually write more of them and be more organised :-)

    1. aww thanks! I just need to start crossing things off my list! x


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