Saturday 12 November 2011

Wedded bliss

Oh what a night! The wedding was fabulous! A stunning bride. A smiling groom. A room full of love. I could write lots, it was such a good night. Instead, I'll sum it up


* Seeing my beautiful girls walk down the aisle towards their handsome dad.
* Hearing that during the ceremony Goosey told a bridesmaid she was hungry and could she have some chips.
* A simple yet lovely ceremony
* A gorgeous venue
* Laughing and telling stories with old friends
* Getting to know new friends better
* Seeing a new generation, babies being carried and then asleep in lined up prams.
* Dancing like a fool and being transported back 16 years
* Laughter, joy and sentimental tears

It was really terrific night. I went home feeling tired, but happy. Lucky to have a great bunch of people to call friends. Sad that we don't all get together that much anymore. Thrilled that the tangled  web of lovely people hold so many treasured memories. Blessed to have a beautiful family.


  1. Oh, Corinne!

    Your girls!

    Those dresses!

    The bride ... :)

    What a perfect day/night :)

  2. Just beautiful.
    What a special day.
    Happy recovering!

  3. Oh Corinne, how lovely :o) Those beautiful pics show what a glorious day it was yesterday, perfect wedding weather.
    Sounds like a wonderful night... so good to hear you danced like a fool, what is a wedding without that ;o)
    Hope you get to catch up on some sleep over the next couple of nights xo

  4. I too love nothing better than attending a beautiful wedding! The girls looked absolutely gorgeous, glad you all enjoyed x


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