Wednesday 2 February 2011


Home again. My little lady is sore and sorry-for-herself, but otherwise well. It's hard to be out of the hospital's lovely air con and into Sydney's heatwave, but we're stocked up with supplies of ice-cream, ice blocks, lemonade and jelly. And the most important soother – a selection of Disney movies.

I'll be laying low for the next few days, playing nurse. Helping my brave little Goosey to recover.

I'll also be holding my breath and crossing my fingers for the residents in Far North Queensland. One of my most favourite places in the world and an area where Skip and I (and our growing family) have spent many visits over the past six years. What they face tonight is terrifying. Stay safe.

Goosey in Port Douglas. 


  1. Hope your sweet girl is on the mend soon. My son had his adenoids out a few years back and did well, but I think the tonsils can be a little rougher. xo

  2. Glad to hear your angel is doing ok.

    Just take it easy for the next few days, both of you. Too hot to do anything else.

    I know, I can barely fathom what the people of Nth Qld are about to go through. xx

  3. Glad to hear that she is feeling better... Ice creams, yes, ice creams make all the difference.

  4. Hope that you are both on the mend soon x

  5. Hope she gets better very soon. She'll be better in no time with ice cream and Disney movies. Feel free to take refuge in our air con. xxx

  6. Get well soon Goosey!
    Love and Hugs are headed your way from the U.S. of A!!!

  7. so glad to hear that she is out and on the mend! really thinking of you all and hope that the sweet treats help cure the patient!! xxx

  8. Poor old Queensland. I spent the day and night before Yasi hit feeling physically sick. My heart was so heavy at the thought of those poor people bearing such an awful natural burden. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could've been, but I've never been to Tully and am assuming the residents don't feel quite so lucky.
    Ps: Next baby name? TULLY. I love the way it sounds for a girl or a boy ;)
    Thanks for following my blog as well... I look forward to stalking through your blog posts too xx


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