Saturday 29 May 2010

Look at me way over here!

When I started blogging almost 12 months ago, I never could have imagined what it would bring to my life. A wonderful way to express myself, make amazing friends and discover new people, places and ideas.

One of the best bloggers I've become acquainted with is Katherine Jenkins, an inspiring woman from Seattle, who through her blog is writing 365 lessons (one for each day of the year). Kathy is currently writing a book called Lessons from the Monk I Married, a memoir about what she has learnt through life and marrying her Korean Buddhist monk husband.

If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it. Her 'lessons' are beautifully written and always seem to be so timely. An extra reason to go check it out is that Kathy has given me the most wonderful honour by allowing me to write one of her lessons. Go have a look: Lessons from the Monk I Married

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Thanks so much Corinne for saying such kind words about my blog...your story is such a beautiful one, I think there are going to be many readers! Peace to you my friend, Kathy

  2. brilliant + honest writing rin! So proud of you! Congratulations...x

  3. How cool. I will make my way over there.

  4. Fantastic post Corrine. Really really great! xx

  5. Honest and so real! There's only the New" normal from now on.

  6. Thank you everyone for the kind feedback. I really and truly appreciate it.

    Megs- I tried to email you but it bounced back. Your double comments (on my and Kathy's blog) meant a lot, so thank you.


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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