Tuesday 11 May 2010

Here comes the sun

Everything has been pretty unsettled in my neck of the woods the past week or so. The kids have been sick, poor Lil-lil with pneumonia. Skip has come down with the nasty bug too. Sleep has been a distant memory. We had to cancel a family member's birthday celebration and then Mothers' Day.

To top things off, Goosey fell and split her chin open this morning, resulting in a trip to get it glued up (stitches are out these days apparently). She was such a brave little soul, not a whimper or a flinch while she was patched up. Even the doctor genuinely said that she was the bravest little patient he'd ever had.

Reading around in the blogosphere it seems like my family isn't the only one to be having a rough time of it. I hope that things brighten up for everyone soon.

I can't wait for the weekend as I'm going to Brisvegas. Skip is up there for work and I'm joining him for some R&R. The kids are staying with their grandmothers. Sleep-ins, lazy afternoons and delish food will be in order. I'm hoping to come home refreshed and recharged. That the sun will come out from behind the clouds and life will settle down a bit.

Now, I just need your help. For all those who know Brissie, can  you recommend a good restaurant?

Image: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/ 


  1. Oooh a child free weekend. EVERYTHING will be better after that. And by the sounds of it, you need it! Enjoy x

  2. I'll find out some restaurants for you if you like? I'll email friend and cc you in - ENJOY !

  3. I hope everyone feels better soon!
    And enjoy your R&R...damn woman, you deserve (and need) it!!!

  4. oh my lovely! what a few weeks!!! Im thinking of you as always and hope that everyone recover soon from their illnesses and cuts n bruises. Sleep! The best cure and I hope you all feel some soon....x


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