Saturday 1 May 2010

And in the beginning

The delightful Heather from Travelling with 4 Kids has tagged me and asked that I repost my first blog post. It was a bit of a laugh re-reading it. I really had no idea what a blog was, truly no idea (though I don't know if I'm that much more knowledgeable now).

Seeing as I'm getting a little soppy, I'd like to say that blogging has been a saviour to my sanity. It's certainly improved my life in many ways. I've got to 'meet' a range of interesting and diverse people. It's let me look outside my four walls without having to leave them. All in all it's been a wonderful experience, so thank you to all of you who read my little ramblings. So here goes, my very first ever blog post back in July last year.

And so it begins...

Well I have to say I never thought I'd be the type of person to write a blog. After all, bloggers are egomaniacs who need to have the rest of the world read their every thought, every minute they have them, aren't they? Like those people who go on Big Brotheor any other reality show. People who crave the limelight, people who need their 15 minutes of fame every 15 minutes... And yet here I am.
I kept a diary as a lass. A couple actually. Just messy scrawl about the people I went to school with, who I liked that week and who I hated. I kept it hidden away it the back of drawer under a pile of cassettes so it would never see the light of day - so now writing my musings for all and sundry to read it just a little bit uncomfortable. Thinking about it now, I don't know why those diaries had to be 'hidden away'.
I really have no idea what or who I am going to write about. It's probably going to complete crap, but hey, there may just be some moments of gold. If nothing else it will be a keepsake of memories for my two girls.
Yes, the Lil-lil and Goosey are 2.5 and 1 years old. They make me ecstatic and make me crazy, but life is a whole lot fuller with them around.
So a lot of posts will be about my adventures with them. My thoughts on the world. Delicious meals I've eaten and wines I've drunk. Plus other random musings.
I put the little pic in above to show how Lil-lil and Goosey make my day. I hope it makes you warm and fuzzy inside too.
To keep the love going, I'll tag some of my fave blogs and ask them to do the same:

1) Beth from BabyMac
2) Pink Patent Mary Janes
3) Eleanor from From a Brookside
4) Quixotic Life
5) Megs from A Box of Tricks



  1. Nice one.... I do understand the point blogging keeps my sanity. Tat is so true..... Nice to read ur first post... :-)

  2. Thanks for the tag my lovely - and, in a first, I've actually responded! You did steal some of my people though, so I'll lurk on over there from here x

  3. Thanks Ratz! I really appreciate all your lovely comments!

    Yay, PPMJ, I'm off to read it!

  4. Soooo get the blogging as a way to save your sanity thing. Often I'm not even sure what side of the fence I fall on about a particular issue until I've finished writing it. It seems to help me coagulate my thoughts and clarify my points of view.
    Thanks for the tag.. stay tuned...

  5. I love this one! And I love your first blog post!

    Thanks for tagging me...I will hop to it right this second!


  6. That is a super first post! What a sweet photo!
    I wasn't sure about blogging either when I started, but now I love it too!

  7. I love it. Thank you for playing. Your 1st post is exactly how I was thinking when I started.

  8. Wow! That is a great first post!

  9. Aww thanks everyone. I really do appreciate all the lovely comments.

    Yay Eleanor and Quix! Off to read.

    Would love to see everyone elses first posts too.


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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