Friday 24 June 2011

Sydney soother

I was cranky yesterday. In fact the past few days. Everything just seemed to push my buttons. I've been impatient. It feels like there's constantly someone (generally a little person) asking something of me. Every time I try and sit down, just for a moment, there's an "I want...." I just wanted to pull the doona over my head and shut out the noise of the world for a little while.

There's been lots of niggly, stupid things to deal with that I just don't want to deal with. You know those days when it feels like they're idiots everywhere (though the biggest idiot around was probably me).

Anyhoo, with a loooooong afternoon stretching out ahead of me and Skip due to take a work colleague out for dinner, I decided I needed to wear the kids out. Prevent the squabbles, keep moving and get through the rest of the day as quickly as possible. I decided to take them to the aquarium.

It's just five minutes from home, but we drove around and couldn't find a car park. We then drove past a park I haven't taken the kids to for ages, the sun was shining down upon it like a little sign from heaven. It just seemed to glow.

I stopped the car and we all jumped out. It was sheltered and warm, so despite being a chilly winter's day the kids kicked off their shoes off and dug their toes in the sand pit. For almost two hours they played happily, they were queens and super kids. They were builders and shopkeepers. I sat soaking in the sun and their contentment.

As the sun began to set and the air began to chill, we jumped back in the car. It was decided that we'd have beans and eggs for dinner, as dad was going to be out. We got home and Skip arrived shortly after, his work dinner cancelled. So we strolled up the road to a Japanese restaurant, sure beats beans and eggs.

It's amazing that this city, my little patch in the world that often drives me to distraction can soothe the soul. If we do move the burbs, I will miss parks like this, strolls to dinner and cranky days that are made better by this place.


  1. It's great that you got that time out doing stuff that you needed. And dinner out is much nicer than beans and eggs.

    Glad you are feeling a lot happier and more at peace now.

  2. There are days when each member in my family drive me insane.

    That little park and the surpise dinner out was what you needed to bring a little happiness shine in.

    Hopefully you will find a a little piece of heaven where you move.

  3. Love the little joys that soothe.

  4. Oh this post resonates with me Corinne, beautifully.
    I love afternoons like this. I think Sydney is amazing with what it has to offer. So many options, a host of places to discover and little gems hiding amongst the big smoke.
    So glad you turned things around for yourself, because it sounds like everything came up trumps in the end. Well done :o) xo


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