Friday 8 April 2011

Good friends and odd jobs

Thanks for those who read and commented on my vent yesterday. It always feels better to get it out and move on. Also, thanks to those who emailed. Your support means so much.

Goosey was diagnosed with an ear infection and pharyngitis so no wonder the little pet has been so miserable. We're slowly, slowly getting there with the house. I'm still sleep deprived and my back is still very, very sore. We'll get there though, even with the setbacks.

One of the nice things about being in the middle of this whirlwind is seeing what kind and generous friends we have. We've had friends come over and help us do odd jobs around the house and for that we're so grateful. It just helps so much to cross another dastardly job off the list. It makes you realise what good friends we've got and how generous they are with their time. So, to all of you, a great big thanks – we really appreciate it.

Now, I have a list as long as my arm to get done, so I bid farewell. See you next week!

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