Wednesday 19 September 2012

The school run, run, run, the school run, run

I've had a lot of people ask me how I fill in my days. The biggest and most time consuming part of the day is the school run. So here is how a typical morning in our house flows at the moment:

5.30am: Darbs wakes up and has some milk.
6am: Everyone else gets up. It's time for breakfast and lunch making.
6.30am: uniforms ironed and time to get dressed.
7.10am:  I try to get out the door. Actually getting in the car with bags and seat belts on can take up to 20 minutes some mornings.

7.20ish: We're off!
Everyone is very happy, as you can see.

The scenery is a little different from the Sydney school run...

Around the school it's a procession of 4WDs.

7.45am: The kids are deposited to their classrooms. By 7.50am they're singing the national anthem and starting their day. 

Now it's just me and him.

I pulled in for petrol. Didn't have to get out of the car and half a tank of fuel cost $10 Australian.
I love Dubai

Is it true that Keith is coming to do The Voice Middle East?
I'm sure he'd know all the words too.

Mmmm Camelicious...
Pull in to grab a coffee on the way home.

8.30am I'm home. Time to sweep the sand off the floors, which is the constant reminder that we live in the desert.

That's an average morning at our place at the moment! 


  1. Baby D is such a little man now! ADORABLE!

    I bet everyone over there is just fussing over your sweet blue eyed children :)

    As for the camel milk, that just makes me dry retch every time :)

    Disgusting, ha!


    1. Yes, Cherie, they do get their fair share of attention. Especially the baby! x

  2. oh rin you made me laugh when you said 'and then its just me and him'. His face!! hilarious... xxx

  3. Oh my goodness $10 for fuel!! If only they had good crop growing country I think that would help make hubby move there!
    Camelicious......not so appealing.

  4. How fabulous Corinne, I loved this post. I'm curious as to which national anthem the kids sing? Love the pics, especially the one of the littlies in the car, so cute. You can think of me next time you fill up, paying my $80 a tank :/ xo

    1. The United Arab Emirates anthem! I know, I get a little excited every time I fill up. I've never paid over $26 for a full tank!

  5. Wow - that's an early school start.
    What time is pick up?
    I LOVE that you drive thru for fuel.
    :-) xx

    1. They finish at 2pm.
      I SO love driving through for fuel. Love, love, love it!

  6. I want drive through fuel!! Love this post, great to catch a glimpse of your mornings! You're definitely not in Kansas anymore :)


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