Thursday 31 May 2012


Kids are festy. They are crusty, quite literally crusty. They pick up weird diseases, bugs, germs. They sneeze green snot and are more than happy to leave that slug on their face. They are Petrie dishes cultivating exotic dieseases.

The crustiest of all childhood ailments has to be conjunctivitis. Held in fear by me only slightly less than nits. Goosey woke this morning eyes swollen, glued shut and crusty. Sigh.

Thankfully, it wasn't a preschool day but we did have to take Lil to school. With Goosey looking like she had the plague. The kid is social and wants to talk to (and hug) everyone, I gave her a pep talk about not touching ANYONE. We approached the gate and saw a mum we knew. Her face contorted with horror.

"what's wrong with her??"

I told her I thought it was conjunctivitis. She offered to take Lil to her class freeing the school from Goosey's pussy visage.

Sighing with relief I took the girl off to the doctor. "so what's wrong? Well, besides the obvious of course," the GP asked.

We were off quickly and happy to discover the antibiotic drops no longer need a prescription as I'm sure we'll be needing more when the other kids are struck down. (note, I say 'when' and not 'if'. It's inevitable isn't it?!)

So for now, we have a big red 'X' painted on our door. Enter at your own risk.

What's your most feared childhood ailment?


  1. Conjunctivitis was fine when I was breastfeeding! BM clears it up so quick!

    Pnemonia is the one I fear most....collapsed lung on a one year old was enough to make me head to the doc at the first sign of a cough now.

  2. Same here. We are the house of snot at the moment - coughing and green snot that turns clear and then green again. It's going to be a loooooong winter.

    1. I've just come to the conclusion that D is going to be that snotty-nosed baby all winter. Bring on Spring!

  3. Neither of my kids have been struck down with conjunctivitis yet but it's only a matter of time. But since my 5 year old started school I have been living in fear of the dreaded nits, just the thought of having to deal with that crap has me rocking in a corner. Hope Goosey's mucky eyes clear up quickly & there is some form of miracle & the other 2 don't catch it!

    1. Oh you're lucky you've avoided it up until now. It's gross. The baby came down with it this morning, two down, one to go. Thankfully it's the weekend so she won't miss any school (fingers crossed).

  4. Hands down GASTRO. Gastro puts the fear of god in me. I will not go near anyone who's had it in the past week. Stay away, Gastro people. Keep your bums and mouths away from me and my peeps.

    Pinkeye, I reckon I can handle. Nits? Haven't gone there yet. I am jinxing myself as I type, huh?

    x P23

  5. Surely gastro...!

  6. Gastro.
    But being a primary school teacher you can't be too fearful of any of 'em!
    Hope that eye clears up soon.

    1. Oooh I think primary school teachers are so brave to enter that breeding ground of filth!

  7. Poor Goosey. Good to know those drops are now prescription free, will save some hassle.
    NIts and gastro are definitely my most feared ailments.
    Hope things return to normal vision soon.

  8. Oh yuck, conjunctivitis would be up there Corinne. Can't stand that one. Poor Felix had a blocked tear duct for the first 6 months after he was born. It worried me SO much. It finally cleared on Christmas Day and to this day, Scott and I still call it our Christmas miracle, haha!
    I fear nits too, oh dear lord, I fear nits.
    Hand foot and mouth is another one. That is nasty, because the poor things can't even eat properly.
    Ergh, this post has made me want to go and pine-O-Cleen the whole house... including the sleeping kids! xo

    1. Got to love a Christmas miracle!
      We've never had Hand, foot and mouth disease. fingers crossed!

  9. Ear infection can go and blow me xx

    1. Ear infections suck a lot. Had a nasty one when I was a kid and I can still remember the pain.

  10. It was chicken pox for ages & then D got it at 11 months and it was just as bad as I thought. He had the horrific kind which was identical to all those scary googled images online. It was pretty much the worst time of my parenting life so far sickness wise.

    Otherwise I loathe gastro the most, it's like a time bomb of vomit. No antibiotic works & you have to wait it out. All while covered in vomit. Blergh.

    1. A timebomb of vomit. The worst! I hate it when one gets it and you know that it's only a matter of time before EVERYONE gets it.

  11. I actually remember getting it when I was little (we called it pink eye) and not being allowed to sit with all the other kids during story time- I thought I had done something wrong 'cos I was in the dunce corner! Traumatised for life;-)

    1. Oh no! I think I've traumatised Goose for life, she now thinks she's germ infested.


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