Wednesday 15 August 2012

So long!

Tomorrow my family and I will board a flight, to start a life on the other side of the globe.

Tonight, I'm exhausted, sad, nervous -a mess basically. I know it's going to be an adventure, but tonight I'm thinking of the people I'm saying goodbye to, the life I'm saying goodbye to, the country in saying goodbye to. For now.

Tomorrow, well I'll think about that tomorrow. See you on the flipside.


  1. Oh good luck!! You will be fine, enjoy the ride! xx

  2. Best adventure ever! Open your eyes and enjoy. I wish I could do what you are doing xxx

  3. Whoa, that's huge Corinne. It will be a big few days for you, but you'll be fine. Just think of the wonderful experiences you and your children will be able to experience... and all of the lovely posts we'll get to read about it all :) Good luck lovely xoxo

  4. So long, farewell!

    Remember to go gently these first few weeks, they will be hard on all of you.

    Travel safely and can't wait to read your 1st post from the desert!


  5. The very very best of luck to you all, take care and safe journey!

  6. See you on this flipside!

    Thank God for it, actually.

    I hope this is everything you hope for, & more!

    We're all here, cheering your little family on x


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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