Thursday 9 August 2012

A big live goodbye

The best part of leaving has to be the farewell bashes. And we've certainly had a fair few of those recently!

Since Lil's first day of school she's plotted and planned her birthday party, so she was broken-hearted when she heard we were leaving before her birthday. So, feeling guilty I told her she could have an early birthday/farewell party at our house, the day before we moved out. Not smart, I agree.

A few weeks ago, I was having coffee with the gorgeous Tina Harris who told me her group Lah-Lah's Big Live Band were now doing parties. The lightbulb went off and they were signed up to perform.

Lil was beside herself when she heard (I was pretty excited to escape entertainment duties).

Lil's last day of school arrived, the principal said goodbye at the school assembly (Lil had to stand up in front of 600 kids), her amazing teacher made a big fuss and gave her a gift and then the class came home for the party. I'm going to miss that school.

Tina and her husband Mark are incredible performers and they had the kids laughing from the first second. Tina is one of those rare people - stunningly beautiful inside and out, funny and kind and sings like an angel. Mark is hilarious and had the kids wrapped around his little finger. They performed the whole party and it was the best fun. The kids loved it. Even Darbs was entranced.

I got to kick back, watch Lil so excited with her friends and enjoy the party myself. It was the perfect last event at our house. I got quite nostalgic and remembered all the other parties we'd had there, bringing the kids home from hospital, realising how much they'd grown. The kids and I said goodbye to our home and friends. A brilliant end of the chapter.


  1. Wow! What a way to go out!

    Can't wait to see photos of your 1st Dubai partay ;)


  2. Sounds like so much fun!
    Is this insider info by the way? Are these two going to be the next Wiggles???? I can say I heard of them way back when.... ;)

  3. me and big lucy were nostalgic too. I kept flashing back to the party in the park across the road when lil turned 3.. seemed a life time ago JB

  4. Your girls are just such cutie patooties. xx

    Mrs P23

  5. My gosh you're brave, an after school party the day before leaving! What a great mum. What a wonderful finale. X

  6. That's awesome Corinne. What a beautiful send off for you and the kids. So great having clever, talented friends like that. Great photos, I can see why the littlies loved them so much! xo

  7. What a brilliant send off! I met Tina Harris at DPCON12 and she was so sweet so can imagine how wonderful she would have been at the party. Lucky you!


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