Friday 6 April 2012

What do you call an Easter Grinch?

Easter has always been one of my favourite times of the year. Who can fault an extra long weekend and a day filled with chocolate? But it seems it's no longer a day, more a week filled with chocolate.

This year Easter has felt like it's on steroids, namely because we have a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old in the house. There's Easter Hat Parades, Easter crafts, Easter songs. They have been lapping it and it's a joy to watch and be part of.

The one thing that has taken me aback, though, is the school Easter gifts. On the girls last day of term, both of the girls received a ton of eggs from their classmates. Wrapped-up packages of eggs, some with hand-crafted cards, some with bunny ears. My first thought was: "OMG, we do this? I didn't do this at school. Who are these mums that have time to package up eggs and hand craft cards and buy bunny ears? I can barely get the kids breakfast and brush my hair and I'm not even sure I've got all the vomit off my face this morning [I had gastro this week]." A long first thought, I know.

It's a lovely gesture but really who has time? And it's expensive.

My second thought was: "OMG, my kids are going to eat ALL of this chocolate."

And it's this thought that's lingered and played on my mind. The amount of chocolate the girls received before it was even Good Friday was obscene. I remember when I was at school we might have gotten one egg from the school after the hat parade, I don't remember receiving gifts from other kids. Then the only other chocolate I got was from the Easter Bunny.

I don't want to be an Easter Grinch, but it's kind of killed the joy for me. I want my girls to be wide-eyed in wonder at the sweet treats the Bunny brings on Easter Sunday, but now it's like: "Yeah throw it on the pile."

I'd also like the girls to enjoy some choccy but not to have SO much that it makes them ill. I also don't want to be the bad guy and take away a gift that's been given to them.

The girls are lucky enough to have grandparents, god parents and neighbours who want to spoil them too and I'm so happy for them to be indulged this way.

It's coming home from school laden with eggs, their faces and hands sticky with chocolate that bothers me. Can't Easter cheer be spread with a card or a drawing? I thought it was just me that felt this way, but I read a friend's Facebook status yesterday that echoed my thoughts.

What do you think? Is egg giving at school too much? Should it just be kept to the Bunny and nearest & dearest? Or am I being too uptight, should I just let them have a chocolate gorge and be done with?


  1. Oh Corinne, I am SO glad you wrote this post, now I don't feel like the only one running around behind my 4 year old, to snap up the chocolate falling from the sky into his hands... then frugally rationing it out. Thankfully, we didn't have any gifts from the preschool friends, but they did have an egg hunt put on by the preschool and he received chocolate from that. Then at kindergym the teacher was giving out way too many mini eggs at their last session this week. I was ever so subtly taking them from Angus, as soon as he received them. Tomorrow, we are having lunch with friends and my girlfriend has planned... yet another egg hunt! I am feeling a little put out by it too, as I am doing one on Sunday... and to be honest, I want mine to be exciting and viewed as a treat, which Easter should be. I sound so ungrateful to all these other people, but I'm not honestly. It's just like you said, I think Easter is on steroids this year... and it's making me feel a bit woozy. Happy Easter anyway xoxo

  2. I am a regular reader of your thoughts and projects (which I love) and I'm with you on this one.
    Just out of interest, what sort of meaning is applied to the Easter season?
    I am with you on the chocolate overload but I am also curious (as one to whom Easter actually has quite a significant meaning)just what kids make of it all.
    I have come to accept (and, yes - buy into) the commercialism in Christmas, but I am surprised at the current emphasis on what is traditionally a rather solemn occasion.
    Are kids given any explanation and how do they connect the 'bunny myth' with the spritual meaning?
    If kids are not already confused enough, what on earth will they make of this one.
    I am beginning to think that after Gen X and Gen Y, we are raising Gen P as everything now seems to be about the Party - No Reason just Party.
    This must make me a real Grinch.
    Karen C

  3. Hi, I feel the same. I have a 5 yr old & was dreading the whole school-Easter-present thing, and was overjoyed when the school newsleter included a short "pls hold off on Easter egg exchange because it is still lent" message (catholic school).


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