Thursday 26 April 2012

Anzac Day

It was a glorious warm sunny morning on Anzac Day in Byron.

We took the kids to the main street to watch the march. They spent the next two hours asking questions about the soldiers, the soldiers who died and war.

The girls cheered and waved flags at the handful of soldiers who marched down Jonson St, their medals and their brows gleaming in the sun.

They thought about how when their grandma was their age, her daddy was away. Being a soldier. 'She must have missed him.'

We then swam at the beach, grateful we could do so.

As the sun set, we sat at the pub drinking beer and lemonade to the cries of 'come in spinner!'.


  1. I missed the traditions of Anzac Day this year. It was still a day of remembrance, but we didn't see the parade or play two-up. Felt weird! Glad you made such a great day of it. x

  2. All I see is the sunshine shining on that lovely parade.

    I am yet to get through an Anzac day without a tear, and this year I only had the ABC radio discussing the march. Tears still.

  3. Looks like a lovely family day to commemorate ANZAC day. I haven't been to two-up in years, but have been to the local village dawn service, unfortunately we missed it this year, we'll hopefully be back there again next year.

  4. Beautiful photos Corinne, love seeing your three littlies watching the parade. Such a special day in our nation's history... sounds like you spent it well. What a lovely holiday you're having xo


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