Saturday 22 January 2011

This week I'm grateful for...

It's been a lovely week for me. I've spent lots of time with the girls, chatting, exploring and playing. We went to the zoo, caught up with friends, we jazzed up their room. I got an evening out at a friend's art exhibition and then another night out dining with an old friend. Best of all there was lots of sunshine.

This weekend, we don't have too much on which is pure bliss. We're going to a neighbour's 3rd birthday party this morning, which the girls are very excited about. This evening will be quiet night recovering from a busy week and preparing for another busy week.

This week I'm grateful for...

* The zoo. We're Zoo Friends but don't get there as often as we should. It's always a lovely day out and brings back a lot of childhood memories for me. The girls love seeing the giraffes (who have the best real estate in Sydney), the new baby elephant (which was super-dooper cute) and the chimps (always a fave).

* Our neighbourhood. We've been so blessed to live in a great community. We have a big park across the road from our home, which is the girls' second home. We can go there any time of the day and there will always be someone the girls know to play with. I also get to catch up on the neighbourhood gossip (of which there's always plenty). It's nice to live in a big city and know so many of your neighbours. Everyone watches out for everyone else. It's a real community.

* Sunshine. After weeks and weeks of oppressive grey skies, the sun has come out. A little bit of sunshine can change your mood, put a spring in your step. It's also great to get load after load of washing properly dried!

Have a fantastic weekend! Play along with Maxabella's I'm grateful for...


  1. sunshine IS GOOD!! And so is dry washing! Its aleways the little things...xx

  2. I just love trips to the zoo with my kids too! :)

  3. Oh yes, Taronga Zoo, must go again soon, next trip to Sydney. We have a fantastic National Zoo in Canberra, but my heart is with Taronga, my old local zoo. Love Posie

  4. Love that Zoo. Every time we go there (often) we find something else to love. It's a fantastic adventure. The best bit about being a Zoo Friend is that you don't need to make such a 'big day out' of it all. We just pop in for a couple of hours of fun and head on out. Perfect. x

  5. I loved our recent trip to Tarongo Zoo, I could have stayed there all day. I envy you your neighbourhood, it sounds idyllic. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. I just love giraffes. I got to be real close to one once at the zoo in Melbourne. It bent it's head right down to take a good look at me. Cheers, Wendy

  7. I LOVE the zoo!! Can't wait to take my three littlies there.
    I am quite jealous of your neighbourhood. We live in a little place, but our street just doesn't have that community feeling.
    And yes, sunshine is awesome.

  8. Isn't Taronga Zoo just the best! I also have some of my favourite childhood memories from trips to the zoo with the fam. Now, I love taking my little man and my Mum along... we're so overdue for another zoo outing. Love the backyard to bush section, it's a child's paradise!


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