Thursday 20 January 2011

The Dynamic Duo

It's not long before Lil-lil starts preschool and I think I'm more excited than she is about it. I've adored having her home pretty much 24/7 for the past four and a bit years, but she's well and truly ready to take a step into the big, wide world.

Shortly before Christmas I was worried about how the girls were going to split. They're so used to spending every waking moment together, I was worried that they'd fret for each other. The past couple of weeks I've realised they're more than ready to tackle some individual pursuits! In other words, they've been fighting like cats and dogs, all while completely adoring each other too (which just makes my head spin).

Watching them they seem even more grown up at the moment and while alike they are also so completely different...


First there is Lil-lil. Long, lean and all arms and legs. Responsible first-born, who worries about the world. She's sensitive, imaginative and oh so dramatic. She's sweet and she's kind. She can and will talk to anyone and everyone. She's a social butterfly who loves nothing more than a gathering of friends. She loves to sing loudly, very loudly. She loves to dance and skip. She's as girly as a girl can get. She's intrigued with the world around her and wants to know the name of every species of flower. She loves bridges. She loves vegetables but hates fruit (give this girl a plate of broccoli and she'll love you). She crashes out in the evening after running, skipping and dancing all day, but will be up most mornings before the sun. Most of all she is our drama queen. Life must be dramatic at every moment.
Scenes such as this are not uncommon:
"Mum, can I have Weet-bix for brekkie?"
"Of course, you can."
"Oh thank you so much. I love you so much!" as she throws her arms around me.

And then there's the cry of: "Oh no! I dropped my doll!" as she throws herself on the floor with despair.


And then there's Goosey. Feisty, cheeky, mischievous, tough. She's patient and determined. You give this girl grief and she'll return it 10 fold. She jumps and climbs into and onto anything (literally and metaphorically). She scoots around the park at top speed, her golden ringlets blowing behind her and using her always bare foot to break by dragging it on the rough ground. She is a tomboy who must always wear a 'pretty dress'. She likes rules and order and loves bossing others people around but is so good at causing complete chaos. She's funny and has a glint of trouble in her eye. She's always being told: "You're so cute!" She attracts people to her like a magnet, but couldn't really care less if people are around or not.
She has limitless energy and never wants to sleep. Most nights she'll climb out of bed and play and sing by herself until she can't keep her eyes open any longer, but will sleep in a little in the morning. She hates vegetables but she loves fruit (give this girl a strawberry and she'll be your friend for life).

The pair of them are best friends and worst enemies – like a lot of sisters or so I've heard. Whatever they are, they're my dynamic duo.


  1. I love your descriptions of your girls x

  2. Such a beautiful post. I really enjoyed reading this and it's so wonderful to note the differences between first and second born. My boys are 3 and 6 months and I can already see the individual personality shining through in the bubba. Fascinating to witness. Your girls sound delightful.


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