Tuesday 13 March 2012

Talk back

It's a funny thing having a blog. I often feel like I'm talking out loud to myself, but occasionally there are some people listening in.
I had an email from a old family friend and it was so nice to hear from her. I hadn't heard from her for ages and I'd been wondering what was going on in her life. She mentioned that she'd kept up with me over the past few months through this blog, which is nice but it sometimes feels a little unfair. People know what I'm doing, but I often don't know what's going on in their lives.

The blog has become a way of people I know checking in on me and catching up with my life without actually having to speak to me. 

Then I had a text from another lovely friend, who said she'd been keeping up with my news through the blog too. Again it's really nice that people enjoy reading my ramblings, but I'd love to know what others are doing too. 

So to all those family members and friends out there who do read the blog, I do want to know what's happening in your life. I get bored talking to myself, so don't forget to comment occasionally and let me know you're there or if that's too hard try and comment on my Facebook page. 

And to all those people I don't know personally that are reading, introduce yourself here or on my Facebook page.
Let's get a conversation happening.

Are you a blogger, do you find that people know what's going on in your life?


  1. I'm a shitty blogger, not much of one really. I like to write every now and then, and then I get my dose. Only a very few people IRL know of my blog. Even Mr P23 doesn't care to read it! He can though.

    I feel like it's a bit one-sided with commenting too. A used to comment all the time on a few blogs I read all the time. And they would never comment back - as in ever! I just thought that was a bit rude, and like I was talking to myself, so I stopped.


    1. I love your blog and your comments. Always brings a smile! x

    2. Sheesh! Really? Oh it's the most half arsed thing in the Blogosphere. I can't be bothered to be honest. But thanks. I will continue to post utterly random musings on an irregular basis to entertain all 3 'fans'(one of them's my sister).

    3. I loved that post you did on how good 4 is. Totally related. Also loved your Muppets post.

  2. Oh I get this Corinne. Though there are only 4 friends that I know about who read my blog, I still find it a little off putting sometimes. Thankfully, 3 of those are actually bloggers themselves, so it's not too bad, but still, I can understand that feeling of talking to yourself somewhat. As wonderful as blogging is, nothing beats a catch up face to face or even a conversation on the phone xo

    1. I love friends reading my blog. I just hope they don't substitute for seeing me! Plus it's always nice to get a comment from a non-blogger! I'm just greedy I guess. x

  3. Oh my gosh - the amount of times I've drafted a post exactly like this one!! So many of my friends are the same. They're all happy because they know everything about me, so feel like we're keeping in touch. But I a) don't know they're reading b) don't hear from them and c) don't know what they're up to!! It feels very unfair sometimes BUT in the end it is our choice to put ourselves out there through our blogs and we could always choose not to. Which of course we won't Unfortunately I think it's part of the blogging deal...


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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