Friday 30 September 2011

Flogging a dead horse

Years ago, when I was but a wee lass I went to Hyde Park Barracks. I had a small amount of money and desperately wanted to purchase something from the gift shop. I bought a small badge that said 'Pie and dead horse'. I think it was the only thing I could afford, not sure why I bought it other wise as I had no idea what the badge was on about. My mum explained something about rhyming slang and tomato sauce and I took that tommy sauce was made from dead horses. As you do.

I kept away from tomato sauce for a few years after until a sausage sizzle reignited the love.

My kids love tommy sauce as most kids do. Lil-lil has been known to request sauce sangas. I have been known to put sauce on certain food just so they'll eat it..

Yesterday, Fountain sauce invited the girls and I to a cooking class to launch their salt and sugar reduced tomato and BBQ sauces. I saw it as a good way for the kids to be entertained while I sat at the back in a sleep deprived haze and be served drinks by lovely PR ladies. Thankfully for me, It worked and this is exactly how it panned out.

The kids had a ball dressing up in chef's outfits and rolling up Wagyu burgers and slow-cooked lamb pies. They have not stopped talking about it. While there, Lil-lil got a new audience to talk to. The girl has not. stopped. talking. all. week. I heard her voice lift above the crowd with these gems: "I'm four and my mum's 25." (well, close enough). "My aunty Hol can't eat wheat. She ate pasta once and she was so sick." "We made burgers with my dad but they're a little but different" The lovely PR girls listened and gave her the interest she was looking for.

We then got to gobble up the burgers and pies, which were bloody tasty. I bit into my pie, when I was reminded I might like some sauce with it. Derrr Corinne, that's why we're here after all.

I have to say the sauce was good. Even without the salt and sugar (and apparently there's very little of it). Most salt-reduced stuff tastes pretty nasty, but I wouldn't have known if I wasn't told.

Maybe I could start feeding Lil-lil tomato sauce sangas after all....


  1. Oh, what a fun day! I bet your girls had a blast. And anything that involves relaxing with a drink while someone else entertains the kids is a win in my book. :)

  2. hilarious rin! Im impressed your getting to all these amazing activities...with little sleep! Love that the girls got so into it...tiny chefs? maybe? xx

  3. That's great that you ladies got out of the house for a bit and had such a great time!
    Don't you love the little chatterboxes???
    Mine was over at a neighbors the other day (who we are not very close to) and when I went to retrieve her they all knew that "My mommy quit her job to stay home with me but we're going to be poor now" "Liam failed his driving test and almost crashed Daddy's car" and on and on.
    I'm sure my face was tommy red!

  4. The kids would have thought it was Christmas!
    You are a super inspiring Mum - with one seriously well earnt pie.

  5. Oh stop IT! I was there Corinne! Just how did I miss you!? We were the noisy trio who turned up late, because I traipsed up and down Military Rd looking for the Cooking School and in typical style walked straight past it, twice! hehehe! Can't believe I missed out on meeting you! It was a fun session though and I like the BBQ utensils and apron we scored at the end ;o)
    Props to you for getting there with the 3 kidlets xo


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