Thursday 1 September 2011

Beautiful boy

My little boy D arrived yesterday. Six and a half weeks early.

He's absolutely damn gorgeous.

It took 6 or more hours between his birth and when I got to meet him. So,so hard.

My heart soared with love and pride when I met him. Then broke in a million pieces as I wished I could have done better by him and kept him in longer.

I just can't wait to give him a cuddle and be his mum for real. C


  1. Oh beautiful Mama you did just FINE doing what you did! I mean look at him? A perfect little boy!

    Congrats to all of you. I love his name. I think you are very clever. Well done gorgeous x

    What do the girls think? And also, I KNEW when I read your post on Monday that you would meet him sooner rather than later. That kind of restlessness means one thing - babies!

  2. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! What an adventure! Welcome new baby boy!

  3. Hi Corrine

    I can't believe you - you are blogging after giving birth!!!!

    you take care and a massive CONGRATULATIONS to you, mr daze and girls - kiss that baby for me too - scrummy

    all my love and warmth



  4. Congratulations Mummy on the arrival of your beautiful boy!

    R xo

  5. He is gorgeous!! Congratulations and WELL DONE mamma!


  6. Corinne, you're right, he's a beautiful boy. So very, very beautiful. And you did well to keep him in as long as you did - he was obviously just very keen to meet his new family - and who can blame him? xxx

  7. Oh my gosh, why do I aways cry when someone announces the arrival of their bundle of joy?!

    Makes me so damn emotional :)

    What a beautiful little bundle of joy!

    I am SO happy for you Corinne!

    Enjoy his baby boy sweetness xoxoxox

  8. Congratulations and Welcome little man!

    I know exactly where your head is right now, all of my babes have been early (earliest was 6wks also) and yes it is damn hard when you can't hold them how/when you want. Remember that you are still a 'real' mumma, even through those times when it doesn't feel that way. You are doing an awesome job already and hey, sometimes these little cherubs just get a bit impatient and want to meet their Mumma's on the outside sooner than expected. Please don't be too hard on yourself.

    He is gorgeous, and I hope by now you have had a cuddle? If not, I hope it happens REALLY soon. Also hope that his stay in the nursery is not a long one.

    My thoughts to you all and healing, healthy thoughts for the little man.


  9. Congratulations, he is just gorgeous! You have done marvellously well to keep him as long as you did, none of it you had any control over anyway! I imagine that 6 hours was painfully long, am hoping you get to feed and cuddle him proper very soon. Well done you! xox

  10. Congratulations on the arrival of your son- he is gorgeous!

  11. Ahhhhhhhh Wahooooo! Big happy smiley congratulations to you Corinne! Well done you clever lady, he is absolutely perfect! Beautiful! Oh my heart is full of joy right now after reading this post :o) Welcome to the world little man, what a lovely family you have graced xoxo
    So happy for you :o)

  12. Congrats Corinne, he obviously couldn't wait to meet you all. Hope your hospital stay isn't too long x

  13. He is beautiful! You did your best to keep him as long as you did, I hope it's not long before you get to shower him in cuddles. Can't wait to meet him. xx

  14. Oh, Corrine he's beautiful.

    Well done. xoxo ps. I'm so clucky, thanks for making me even more so! cluck cluck cluck

  15. Congratulations! What a beautiful bubba :) and well done for being able to blog so soon after birth! xx

  16. Congratulations! such wonderful news and he looks absolutely perfect. what a blessing.

  17. Oh you did just fine by him, well done Mumma C! He looks divine and I hope you are all happy and healthy and you get loads of cuddles with him soon xx

  18. Congrats Corinne!

    He is gorgeous. Hope you are both recovering well.


  19. Congratualtions Corinne!
    Do not feel guilty, he is beautiful and precious and you did not at all fail him.
    Enjoy your babymoon!

  20. That's so cool ... COngratulations!! He's very cute.

  21. What a gorgeous boy. I hope you both are doing well.

  22. Woooow!!
    Congratulations to you all.
    You did just brilliant Mama.
    Enjoy him - every tiny bit.
    One day this little guy may just tower over you!!

  23. Gorgeous.
    Please don't beat yourself up about anything, you did a wonderful job! Congratulations.

  24. entrances take many forms & you're already the best 'real' mum - he looks beautiful!

  25. Oh Corinne! I am so delighted for you. I hope you can hold him properly very soon. How precious. J x

  26. CORINNE! I am delighted and thrilled for you and your family. Congratulations sweetheart and welcome to the newbie.

    I wish I could hug you xx

  27. Congratulations Corinne!!! Am so happy for you and he is absolutely divine! Just heaven. Am sending you lots of love and hope that you and your little man can head home soon. Lots and lots of love xxxx

  28. I am so sorry this is late but CONGRATULATIONS!!! The baby is absolutely gorgeous :)


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