Monday 11 January 2010

Summer lovin'

A burst of sudden summer heat meant we trekked down to the beach both Saturday and Sunday - pure bliss.

The water was crystal clear, the sand just right for building brilliant castles and the girls scuttled like crabs along the shore.

Moments of gold that will form lifelong memories. Moments that make sense of all of life's craziness.
Not bad for one little weekend.


  1. the last few days have been finally felt like summer.

  2. The jealousy that I feel right now has to be palpable.


    You are lucky, and you wrote about it beautifully.

  3. I'm jealous too - in Adelaide it was too hot to leave the house over the weekend, let alone go to the beach!

  4. Thanks Travis! It was certainly a beautiful time.

    Kelly - Yeah, I've heard it's hot down south. Over 40! Crazy! Way too hot.

    Alex - It's just nice to see the sun after all the drizzle we've had. I've almost forgotten what summer was.


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