Tuesday 12 January 2010

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

I've always loved this lyric by John Lennon and it's been on my mind a lot. Yesterday, I wrote about my weekend expeditions to the beach. Beach bliss. I think the moments on the beach were enhanced by some lessons I've been learning from another blog Lessons from the Monk I Married , especially the post about appreciating where you are.

Like many of us, I've been programed to strive and achieve. Look to better yourself. Ambition. All these things focus on the future, but sometimes happiness and contentment can be found by just appreciating where you are. While we frolicked on the beach, I saw the girls so happily living in the moment. I was re-energised by the surf, sun and just knowing this was a special moment.

We're often led to focus on and cherish the big events and achievements in life, and they are special, but it's often the simple moments that give us the most pleasure and the ones that will stand out later in life. I'm trying really hard to turn off other thoughts and relish these moments. So when I was bobbing in the ocean, I looked at everything around me and soaked it all in. I didn't worry about what bill needs to be paid, what we would be having for lunch, had I remembered to call back so-and-so. I just lived. I didn't worry about if I wobbled too much in my swimmers, I chased the girls around the frothing shore and laughed. It was bliss.

So wherever you are, whatever you're doing - appreciate it.


  1. Great and wise words. Was having similar thought this morning as I sat eating my avacardo on toast, with a cup of tea while listening to my girls playing. It's far to easy to get wound up in life and not appreciate it. I'll join with you in stopping and enjoying the moment!

  2. Well said! I started missing the beach after I read your post. There's no beach here in Utah, only snow.

  3. Amen to that sista!

  4. Thanks so much Corinne for mentioning my blog Lessons from the Monk I Married in Your post and I am so happy you were able to be in the moment on the beach. Actually, today's lesson was to Live Moment to Moment...it seems like you are doing that! Good for you and much peace to you, Kathy


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