Wednesday 30 September 2009

Top 10 Wednesday

Each Wednesday I'm going to do a top 10 of the week. I love doing top 10s or top 5s. Skip and I often (well I force him) do top 10 music countdowns of our own selections on a Friday night.

Here's my top 10 of the week:

1 Ruby Star Traders - this gorgeous shop has added colour and texture to my house and my week!
2 Playdates - keeping me sane while all the activities are on term break.
3 Lah-Lah - the wonderful Tina Harris' kid show has been on TV twice a day and the girls just adore her. We can't wait for the stage show at the Enmore next week. Tina as Lah-Lah is picture above.
4 Tobey Estate coffee - currently eclipsing my other favourite Campos.
5 Old Photos - as part of Operation Spruce Up [which I'll be writing about later today] I've been putting up some old photos. It's wonderful seeing faces from 100 years ago and seeing features of my girls looking back at me.
6 Marshmallows - I'm able to bribe Lil-lil to do almost anything with these.
7 Sunny Sydney weather - after all the bluster of last week, it's heaven to have some glorious spring days.
8 Sydney Food Festival - a whole month a delicious morsels just waiting for me.
9 Good hair days. I don't think this needs any explanation!
10 Daylight savings - hopefully the girls will be sleeping past 5am next week.

If you have any theme requests for my top 10 or top 5, please let me know!


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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