Friday 18 June 2010

Party perfection

The party was a great success! The 'Nam kids loved their first bites of fairy bread and chocolate crackles. The Aussie kids loved having their cousins around to scream, yell, dance and jump with. All in all, it was a blast. I think my mum especially liked seeing all her grandchildren together, a very rare occurrence.

There were a few 'Lord of the Flies' moments by the early evening, but that's not completely unexpected with the amount of sugar and pink food colouring consumed.

Today we're off to the zoo to see some koalas and kangaroos and enjoy the sunshine!

(Please excuse the dodgy pics that were taken on my phone and, no, unfortunately it wasn't me that made the fab cake. I have to give the honour to my friend Fiona. Who does make cakes professionally, if anyone in the Sydney region is keen!)


  1. Sounds like a good time has had by all.

  2. Love it. Especially love the cake with all the lollies! Enjoy the zoo x

  3. yeah enjoy the zoo lovely! Pefect day!!! Im so glad you all had a great time and congrats to miss fifi for another beautiful creation!! xx

  4. Gorgeous!

    This reminds me of one the (many) b'day cakes my Mum baked for me when I was a kid. It was a maypole with pastel ribbons, and going around it were cakes like this one above, all the dresses in different pastel colours. It was amazing. As is your one!

    Shame I didn't like icing back then!

  5. What a gorgeous cake! Bet it was yummo too.

  6. Looove the cake! What a great job you did! I bet your daughters loved it.

  7. The kids are looking at the cake as if it was too cool to eat it!
    Wow - your friend did a great job making it!

  8. I am really impressed with your cake!


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