Tuesday 13 October 2009

Ten things I want to do in my lifetime

Here is another Blog this challenge. I have to list 10 things I want to do in my lifetime that I'm yet to achieve.

10. My family and I to live in France for an extended period of time - we'll eat and drink up the culture.

9. Sing on stage in front of a large audience as a solo performer (and knock their socks off).

8. To actually write that children's book that I keep talking about.

7. To have a family home in the country or near the sea where my children, husband and I can retreat and fill with happy memories for many years to come.

6. For Skip and I to have our own successful business that we love running.

5. To give back to my community by helping the elderly or refugees (another thing I've talked about but never done).

4. To plant a beautiful garden and maintain it.

3. Take my children around Australia and show them the most glorious spots Skip and I have found.

2. See my girls grow into intelligent, confident and happy women.

1. To sit with Skip and be surrounded by our grandkids while we make them laugh with stories about the old days.


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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