Thursday 7 February 2013

Musing the mundane

Ahhh the life of an expat. Each morning I wake up and peek out at a glorious view of the Arabian gulf. I drive past the billowing seven-star Burj Al Arab as I take the kids to school. On the drive home I glimpse the the silver slope of the indoor ski field and the shooting towers of the marina. The sun at this stage is glowing, just having popped up from the horizon.

Then I arrive home and there's toast crusts to pick up off the floor. Breakfast dishes to be washed. Loads of washing to be put on. Beds to be made.

Glam, huh?

In so many ways, life is exciting and new here. There are so many exotic adventures and experiences to be had, I feel inspired and blessed. Despite this, something hit me this week, my life has become focused on the mundane.

In Sydney, housework and chores were something I slotted in around the rest of my life. Quickly tidy up before meeting someone, throw some washing on before going somewhere. At the moment, they're the focus of my life. My purpose for the day.

It slapped me in the face when Skip asked what I had on the other day and my reply? "The cleaner is coming." So my whole purpose for the day was to open the door for the cleaner to clean, pay her and see her out again. Wow.

Well, it was actually a little bit more than that. First, I had to clean for the cleaner (because I'm odd like that, even when cleaners here will do all sorts of cleaning). Pay some bills. Put some washing on. Do some ringing around about getting the car fixed. I know. Crazy stuff.

You see, I can't have a full-time maid like many so here, because what would I do? I'd have to become a gin-swilling expat wife at the club. I don't actually know if there are any gin-swilling expat wives clubs, but I'm sure I could find something if need be.

I've made friends and have social connections of lunches and coffees and playdates, but still there feels like something is missing.

Anyhow, I think this is a sign that it's time to start filling in the finer detail of my Dubai life. Get involved in something. It doesn't seem like work is an option, but there has to be something...


  1. I am fortunate that I have my work to make new connections and keep me busy, but I completely understand the void you are talking about.
    Expat life is far from all glamour. I get excluded from the SAHM groups at the playground and Miss O's school because I work full-time. So while I have a great social group of friends, you are in fact the only other mother I know or would speak to in Dubai :(
    So I guess what I am saying is if you find that gin swilling group of Mum's, sling me an invite and don't make all your plans in work hours :)

  2. My life is revolving around the mundane at the moment too, but I am enjoying it! For now anyway, ask me in a few more weeks.

  3. Sounds like you're nearly ready to take the next steps in your life xx

  4. Hey Rin,

    I remember getting to that stage living in Singapore. I started thinking, is there something I should be doing with myself?

    Joining an expat club might be a good idea, they are great places to meet other families and they usually have great facilities too. The ones in Singapore had babysitting, tennis courts, games rooms, restaurants, hair salons etc.

    I did some volunteer work for the Australian Club in Singapore, just helping out here and there. It helped me make friends and kept me busy before I had Abi.

    Hang in there, I'm sure something will pop into your mind and get you started on an amazing path of change.

    Until then, enjoy that drive to and from school, it sounds amazing.

  5. It's kind of exciting Corinne, it's an open book of what you could get involved in, even if it is starting your own club!

  6. I feel that way most days too Corinne. But if we can remember that as mundane as it is right now, it is also a super important role, looking after and running a family is about the most important job anyone can do. Things will become exciting again one day, in the meantime you're doing a sensational job lovely xoxo

  7. I will gladly trade you my crazy for a bit of the mundane.
    As I dress each morning I miss those days where after my coffee it was clean and tidy.

    You will find things to spur you on and liven it up. Of that I am sure! :)



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