Tuesday 13 November 2012


The past week, the cracks of a long school term, moving to a new country and the lack of support are starting to become very present. 

I feel very, very tired. I feel like I've been "on" for months, no time just to sit back. 

I have had the hardest week I've ever had with Goosey this week. Every. single. thing. is an argument. Whether it's getting dressed, eating dinner, going to the park, choosing a book, whatever, it turns into a monumental argument. I know that she's tired – at school five days a week is a lot for such a little person. I know that she's had massive change. I know that she's utterly exhausted and needs a break. It doesn't make the crying and arguing and the defiance any easier to cope with. The defiance, oh the defiance! She's so stubborn. I know that part of it is breaking free of the rules of school too. But my artillery is run dry. 

I think we're all looking forward to Christmas, to having some time off from school, to having some grandmothers visit. 

It's been constant with the kids since we've been here and there have been a lot of nightime shenanighans too. As much as I love them, they're doing my head in at the moment. To be honest, I think I'm doing their head in too. At home, when things got like this they could visit their grandmothers, be spoilt for an afternoon or even a night. Skip and I could have some peace. The kids could have a break from cranky parents. We'd all be refreshed. 

Skip, feeling the tension, came home and surprised me with a restaurant and a babysitter booked for tomorrow night. I can't wait. It's so needed. Just not to be 'Mum' for a few hours. 

If you're a mum, what do you do to have a break?


  1. For me the big thing lately has been the gym. It's such a respite to just drive off and get mr p23 get those smalls to bed. Can you join one? And I say that as a very non gym person...

    Xx mrs p23

    1. We actually have a gym where we live, it's just a little difficult at the moment with a husband who works long hours.

  2. It's a global phenomenon... mine are about to be given away too. It's that time of year. It's the crazy, mad, chaotic downhill rush to xmas. hate it.

  3. Oh Corinne, you sound like you have definitely earned a night off and how wonderful of Skip to surprise you with one.
    My kids have been very feral and I can't imagone how difficult it is without the family support.
    I hope the last few weeks of term don't get any worse!
    Enjoy your night out.

  4. That all sounds pretty damn stressful Corinne. I know what you mean about the defiance and arguments, I am copping that too at the moment. I can't even hear myself think during the day anymore... and I have a monkey who won't actually fall asleep until about 9.30 each night. It's exhausting and I also feel quite smothered.
    It must be terribly hard not to have those creature comforts of friends and family around you. Hope you and Skip have a wonderful night out together, probably exactly what you need xo

  5. Oh I hate hearing you feel like this. Expat life is so full of ups and downs.
    Now my surgery is complete I will be in touch for a coffee.
    Enjoy your night tomorrow night and the long weekend coming up.

  6. Argh worst case scenario I hide in the bathroom for as long as I can. Or I impose a 5 minute silence...silence is beautiful!

    1. Silence is the MOST beautiful thing. There is way too much noise in my house!


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