Tuesday 2 March 2010

A hard road for a hard drive

Dear Hard Drive,

Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling so good? Why did you suddenly turn my cyberworld to black?
I miss you more than words can say. I've been told it's unlikely you'll get better, so I may have to update you with a younger fresher, quite expensive model.

Was it something I did? Something I didn't do?

Yours always,

Dear 'A Day In The Life' Readers,

Due to my lack of access to the net, you won't be hearing much from me for the next couple of weeks. It doesn't mean I love you any less. I hope to be back here very soon. A special shout out to Dual Mom - thanks so much for your help and concern with my bloody stupid hard drive. You were right, it wasn't good news.

In the meantime, take care readers and don't forget about me!

Yours always,


  1. Oh No! We will still be here waiting for your return...

  2. Ahhh you're welcome C. I just wish it could have turned out better. Shall we have a memorial or wake or something?

    But look at the silver lining....TOTALLY gives you an excuse to buy a new Mac!!!!!

    We'll miss you!

  3. Oh, poor hard drive!! Poor YOU! Hope you are back up and running soon! We'll be here when you get back!! Hugs!!

  4. That's awful! But like Dual Mom said, any excuse for a new Mac! It's my favourite toy.

  5. boo hoo rin! That is so sad for you that the puter has truly decided to go on to a better place! So sad and so frustrating but Ill be awaiting your return to cyberland...x

  6. It's obviously part of the conspiracy to keep you silent. Hope you get the better of them soon!

  7. I won't forget! Hurry back you hear!

  8. I hear your pain... aaagh.

    I currently have one computer on the blink with a similar issue. Funny how it's always me that is left to deal with it...

    hope to read you again soon.

  9. Hope you are back up and running soon! We'll be here when you get back!! Hugs!!
    work at home in india

  10. I just wrote my hard drive a letter too, only it wasn't nearly as polite as yours!
    Come back soon!

  11. Don't worry, we're still here!



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