Tuesday 17 September 2013

Knick knack paddy wack

When our family moved to Dubai, just over a year ago, we came with just a suitcase each. Filled with just our clothes and a few precious toys and books. 

We had to fill our home with quick trips to IKEA and Home Centre (the local Freedom equivalent). Filling a whole home in a few trips is a tough ask. You have the basics - a bed to sleep in, a couch to sit on, plates to eat off - but the house is not quite a home. You need photos and trinkets and knick knacks.

It's these momentos that make a house a home. It's these things that have taken me a long time to collect and start filling the gaps. Now we feel properly at home here, and hope to be here for some time to come (inshallah, see I'm a local!), it's time to really put those memories and soul into our house. 

Here is what I've got so far...

Photos are the easiest and most sentimental way to decorate. We've got lots of photos from our travels and special occasions around the house. I'm always adding to them too.

Another cheap and easy way - vases from IKEA in our home's colour scheme.

Mirrors. Another quick and easy add on.

Some of Lil-Lil's artwork which are my fave. Colourful and sentimental.

This gorgeous woven basket was made for me by one of my oldest and closest friends. She's a super talented artist as well. This tiny gift brightens my day every time I walk past it. It wasn't made for the wall but us very at home there. It's beautiful and precious and sentimental. You can check out Michele's work, attend a workshop or even pick up an artwork at www.tinytrappings.com.
I'd love one of her massive paintings on one of my big bare walls. One day...

This pewter container was given to me by my dad and has found its own special spot in our house.

This table runner was given to me by my brother and sister-in-law, it was bought from my cousins' home ware shop. It's also the exact colour of our house. The plant was a bargain buy from IKEA, it even lasted two months of not being watered in the middle of summer (Skip didn't realise it was plant?!)

Our kitchen wall art gallery is one of my favourites. It will change and get added to. The kids love it too.

Next on my list is some local artwork so we always remember this time and some Middle Eastern trinkets.

I'm not much of an interior decorator so what are your tried and true tips?

1 comment:

  1. oh - thank you my lovely rin. That was a beautiful thing to say and I feel honoured that Im playing a tiny part in making your place feel like a real home. It all looks so colourful and personal - and is really taking shape. I really love it xxx


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