Sunday 31 March 2013

All good things...

I started writing this blog about 3.5 years ago, this is post 901. When I first started, I didn't really know what a blog was. I stumbled across Blogger through Google and started mucking around. I was at a really sleep deprived stage and feeling a bit isolated at home. I was thinking about returning to work and freelance writing, so I thought I needed some practise. I started tapping away on the laptop, the blog being a place I could store my scrawlings. I honestly never expected any of it to see the light of day. This was at a time when blogging was almost non-existent.

Somehow, I'm not really sure how, other bloggers stumbled upon my blog and started reading and commenting. I started reading their blogs and commenting on theirs. Some of these people are now blog 'royalty', others have vanished along the way. I started to like the feedback, I started to connect with these other bloggers and enjoyed having this interaction while being home, somewhat isolated. I made good friends.

I enjoyed having a hobby (my first ever one), something I really loved and looked forward to doing. Before, if you wanted to write as a hobby you scrawled on some paper and shoved it in a drawer. Here writing could be a fun hobby and shared with people who were interested in reading it. It felt lovely and it felt safe.

Slowly, I invited close friends and family to read. That's when I really enjoyed this blog, I enjoyed the writing and I enjoyed the comments.

Then about 2 years ago, I was made one of the Kidspot Top 50 Australian Bloggers and it was a real privilege. It was nice to feel recognised and be regarded as something other than 'just a mum at home'. It was a nice to feel that I was good at something and other people thought so too. That I had something to contribute. The downside was, as part of the competition, I had to publicise my blog. That was the first time that I really pursued readers, at the time it didn't really feel comfortable and I think it's never really sat right with me since. In some way, while I haven't actively pursued followers, I think I almost felt like I had to as part of the natural progression. Since then I've changed the way I've written, I've tried to ensure my blog was written entirely from my own perspective. While I've included my family and friends, I've tried to ensure they were bit players and that this was my story.  Sometimes I've succeeded and sometimes I haven't.

Over the past few months, I've felt less and less comfortable and motivated to keep writing here. I think I need to take heed of these feelings. I've felt obligated to write here and that's something I've never wanted. Blogging here just hasn't felt good.

I love writing and will always write in some form. I think now is the time to take a different direction. While I'll never say never, I think it's time to take an extended break from here. More than likely a permanent break.

Over the past few days, I've toyed with how I'd finish up. At first I thought I'd just stop, but that's not my style. Then I thought I'd put a small note saying thanks and goodbye, again not my style.

I want to thank everyone who has read and commented and given me lovely feedback. I want to thank all the wonderful friends I've met along the way. I want to thank you all for your encouragement and lovely words. I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my words.

In the future, I may resurrect this blog but turn it into something different. I may just start a completely different blog. I may not blog at all. In the meantime, I will be contributing to a blog written by expat Australian women called Wandering Women, it will feature stories about life as an Australian woman living overseas.

So again, thank you. And, ciao for now.


  1. Well done for making what you feel is the right decision for you.
    I am on a break at the moment too, I might be back, I don't know.... I don't really have the energy right now to even decide.
    It was wonderful to meet you through your blog, but I am grateful we have taken it into the real world also, so this is not goodbye but I will call you soon!

    1. Thanks, Carly. I look forward to catching up with you very soon. x

  2. Oh Corinne, I will miss you here - but I hope that our times with cross paths on Twitter. And of course, we will catch up when you return xx

    1. Yes, I'll be on Twitter and will definitely catch up in Oz. Reconnecting with you is up the top of the list of this whole blogging caper. xx

  3. It takes courage to step away from things and stuff that don't make you happy anymore. Well done on the 901 posts. Hope to see you still on Twitter.

  4. Oh Corinne, whilst I am saddened to think that you won't be around these parts anymore, I completely understand your reasoning and decision to give it a break. I was actually only thinking about blogging today and how it's such a funny pass time. For a good almost 2 years, it was like therapy for me, something I needed to do regularly... and wanted to do regularly. I loved writing and taking photos to illustrate my posts and I would happily babble on about simple things... and sometimes more complex ones. Something has definitely shifted for me over the last 6 months or so and although I most certainly feel like holding onto it, I find it harder to be motivated about it. I still love reading my fave blogs, but even that I find hard to get to do. Starting up Button Tots has taken a lot out of me and a great deal of my blogging time too. I've also seen a shift in some of my fave blogs, ie. becoming a bit more commercial/losing the personal touch etc... and I do admire them for making a career out of blogging, but it's also a bit sad in some ways... bit like when I left high school and dear friends I'd made went on their paths and I on mine. Just evolution I guess. Whatever you decide to do, I'd love to know what you're up to, so will check in at Wandering Women... and hope that one day you'll resume blogging for yourself in some capacity. Take care Corinne and thanks for all the fabulous stories and inspirational words you've posted here... and on my blog too. You are a beautiful writer and Mum xoxo

  5. oh rin. Its going to be sad to see you go from my daily routine. I have loved having you here next to me, as it were, and writing together from our own perspectives. But I do understand. You life has shifted and as such your blog must shift with you.... I hope you find the next chapter in your writing journey soon! Ill be patiently waiting xxxx

  6. Oh noes. I'm sad, but I understand. Thankfully I will be able to keep up to date in other ways. Thank you for your blog, and your contribution. You have made me feel less alone in my own frustrations and I have loved that we have been able to connect beyond the blog as well. I'll miss you little bloggy xxx

  7. Hey Corinne, we'll miss you! Good luck with your new direction.

  8. Sad, but completely understandable. Wishing you all the best xx

  9. Corinne, I first met you at the cocktail party for the Kidspot top 50 Bloggers and I liked you right away! I think you were pregnant if I remember? I hope whichever direction you take, it is amazing for you x Michelle

  10. You are an incredible soul lovely!!! Remember that!!! X

  11. Take care Corinne, I am sure I will "catch-up" with you via other avenues & will be sure to read the blog you are contributing to, sounds like it will be an interesting read :-) Rachael x

  12. So life has been very busy and I can't believe I missed this!!! I am sad that I won't get to check in and see what's happening in your lovely world but so excited for you as you move in new directions and do what's right for you! ENJOY Corinne! Thanks for all your lovely writing and sharing it's been so enjoyable getting to know you and your gorgeous family. Good Luck with the new writing endeavours! xox


Thank you so much for your comments! I'm always thrilled to hear from you.

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