Tuesday 18 December 2012

A dose of Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style is the most watched video on YouTube. It's approaching a billion hits. I'm sorry to say that our family has contributed greatly to this. In fact, when I heard that Gangnam Style was the most watched video in the UAE for 2012, I knew if was because of us.

You see, I have a 4-year-old and a 15-month-old who just love it. And I mean love. it. (The six-year-old is way to cool to like it).

Goosey has been known to break out in the Gangnam Style dance in the middle of shopping malls, the street, where ever she hears it – much to disgrace of her sister. Darbs on the other hand will hear the opening strains and will run from the other room and stand transfixed on the South Korean pop star and his equestrian dance moves.

Darbs can only say a handful of words but can sing the tune of Gangnam Style, should I be worried? He won't watch anything else on TV, forget Barney and The Wiggles, Psy is it. In fact, I've been known to put Gangnam Style on repeat just so I can make dinner in peace. This morning, Darbs woke at five am and to keep him quiet he watched Gangnam Style on my phone.

Last night, I knew the obsession was getting a little too much when Goosey pleaded with me to go to Korea so she could meet Psy.

In case you've been living under a rock for the past six months, check out Gangnam Style here:

So, are you a fan? Does it drive you mad? What's your favourite dance craze?


  1. It's a hit here too!!
    But this mean Mummy doesn't like the word 'sexy' coming out of a child's mouth - so Magoo sings "heeey, chips n gravy"!!!
    :-) x

  2. You guys just need to come home- he's been doing the publicity rounds here. Dan's sister got a photo with him- she saw him in Martin place... Now you can explain the six degree theory and yel her she's only 3 degrees from Psy;-)

  3. Oh and can I recommend another video: Sam the bomp I think the song night be called 'boom boom boom'

  4. Actually- make that Sam the womp- Bom bom

  5. In our house it's all about MC Hammer at the moment! P even re-enacts the dance. Now I just need to find a pair of those pants ...

  6. My 14 month old and 2.5 year old have also contributed to Gangnam Style's success :)


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