Friday 28 November 2014

Friday thoughts

It's strange how one event, one tragedy, one story on the news can impact you more than another. We're now saturated in news, we don't have to wait for the evening edition we find out instantly on our phones, iPads, computers what's happening around the world. To the point where I often feel a little overwhelmed and tend to let the latest tragedy just wash over me.

So, every now and then I'm surprised why a certain story stays with me. I'm not a cricket fan, but I saw Phil Hughes play (alongside Sean Abbott) in Dubai in October. I'm not a cricket fan, but the Phil Hughes tragedy keeps playing on my mind and it makes me wonder why this story impacted me over another. The whole situation is just awful.


I was reminded last night of the benefits of a belly laugh. Wherever you are, whatever you do, a regular great big laugh that makes your sides hurt and your eyes water is essential for good mental health. Keep people around you who can make you laugh like this.


Preparing to go home is exciting and daunting. The kids and I haven't been back to Oz for 1.5 years, so it's kind of a big deal. There are gifts to buy, dates to plan and time to organise. The time will whizz by and I want to make sure we enjoy it and aren't stressed out about it.


This coming week is the National Day holiday. The city is being decked out in flags and everything you can imagine in red, while, green and black. The girls have been planning their outfits for the school celebration. It really is an exciting time to be in Dubai.


I'm really enjoying parenting three kids at the moment. They're all at great ages and so much fun in their own ways. You've got to enjoy these moments when you can.

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